Sip Mightily by Eddie Maisonet
Sip Mightily (with friends) by Eddie Maisonet
OJ Lima: From Def Jam Exec to Barrel Picker Extraordinaire

OJ Lima: From Def Jam Exec to Barrel Picker Extraordinaire

How does one go from running entertainment empires like Complex and Def Jam to starting his own business around barrel picks and distiller collaborations? Meet OJ Lima, who misses his Elijah Craig 12 "Big Red" and is working hard to see more sippers of color have inclusive access to our favorite spirits. 

Sip Mightily by Eddie Maisonet
Sip Mightily (with friends) by Eddie Maisonet
Sip Mightily is a spirited culture podcast that enlightens and entertains with innovative storytelling, provocative commentary and interesting conversations.